the latest shot

masi oka for the wall street journal


save the cheerleader, save the world. i’ll never not think of that when i see masi oka – and i truly mean that in the best possible way. we are in superhero overload more than 13 year old geeky me ever thought possible, and while i’m exceptionally grateful for the current state of affairs, heroes kicked things off proper back in 2006. and i watched the hell out of that series. twice. so it was a unique thrill to get assigned to photograph masi for the wall street journal. he was the heart and soul of that show, the audience’s emotional stand in, and his ability to convey wonder and spectacle and exuberance held the show together.



aside from being an actor and producer, masi started out as a VFX artist and now runs a video game company in LA called mobius games. i photographed him on a landing outside mobius’ office where he was charmingly worried about getting in trouble with his landlord for shooting there. (see, celebrities are just like the rest of us. . .)



