the latest shot

tig notaro "happy to be here" key art, for netflix

as luck would have it, a second netflix comedy special that i worked on was released this month, too: tig notaro's happy to be here, out on may 22nd. 



this was planned and pulled together very quickly - shot in early april, out less than two months later. the shoot itself was . . . odd. i have long had a great amount of sympathy for those who are uncomfortable being photographed. i pride myself on being fairly good at putting nervous people at ease and making the experience as pleasant as it can be. in this particular case there were very particular restrictions placed on what i could and couldn't do during the shoot, and the interactions between tig and myself. that's pretty much all i can say, except to say that it's not anything i've ever run across in over two decades of photographing people. 


still, here are a handful of out-takes that i liked, below. 



ali wong's "hard knock wife" special for netflix

this month i'm excited to see the release of two netflix comedy specials for which i shot key art. 

first up, released on mother's day is ali wong's second stand up special, hard knock wife. this time around ali was decidedly less pregnant than on our first shoot for baby cobra. on that one we actually shot the artwork less than two weeks before she gave birth. this time i believe she was only seven months pregnant when she wielded boxing gloves, a sword, nunchucks and a baseball bat to produce artwork for hard knock wife.



it's always fun to drive around the city and see billboards and bus stops with my photos on them. many thanks to ali for having me along on this one!
